Your Data,
Our Defense

With UIS, you don’t have to worry about Cybersecurity threats—we’ve got you covered.

Cost of Cybercrime in 2023
Avg. Cost of a Data Breach
of Malware is Sent via Email


Our Approach

Our Comprehensive Cybersecurity Package offers peace of mind with round-the-clock 24×7 Monitoring of servers, ensuring constant vigilance and immediate response to any incidents. Coupled with a robust Incident Response Plan, we provide a fortified defense against cyber threats, keeping your digital infrastructure secure and resilient.

Stay secure

Our Cybersecurity Package

  • Spam Filter
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Zero Trust (Application Whitelisting)
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Incident Response Plan
  • SOC (24/7 Monitoring)
  • Password Management Software
  • User Account Monitoring
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • DNS/Web Content Filtering
  • Mobile Device Management
  • Cyber Insurance Consulting
Beyond Onboarding:

Discovery & Defense

During the onboarding of a new client, the installation of our cybersecurity package discovered a malicious script covertly stealing the organization’s sensitive information. This malicious script posed severe risks of data breaches, operational disruptions, and financial harm.

Recognizing the urgency, our experts swiftly identified, isolated, and removed the threat, securing the client’s systems and data. Our proactive approach not only eliminated the immediate danger but also strengthened their defenses against future threats.

Thanks to our expertise and advanced cybersecurity tools, the client now enjoys peace of mind, knowing their systems are protected against potential cyber threats. This case underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining business continuity. UIS has you covered!

Cybersecurity FAQs

1. Train employees
2. Protect information, computers & networks
3. Provide firewalls to protect your internet connection
4. Mobile Device Security
5. Create backups and redundancies
6. Control physical access
7. Secure Wi-Fi networks
8. Limit employee access to data and information
9. Passwords & authentication

Just like you’d protect your home with locks & gates, cyber security protects your business from malicious attacks through your internet-connected networks, computers, mobile devices, software, and applications.

A data breach is when an intruder gets unauthorized access to your information such as customer records, personal information, or intellectual property.

Malware is named from ‘malicious software’, where software has been installed on your computer or network without you knowing. Often picked up when installing or clicking on links you shouldn’t.

Phishing is when someone disguised as a trusted contact or source tries to defraud you, often through email, text message or social media contact.

Ransomware is when you’ve mistakenly installed a rogue piece of software (from clicking on a link or opening an attachment), giving access and control of your systems to an attacker, who then demands money.

Considering the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the financial impacts of data breaches, cyber insurance can be an asset for any organization. It provides a safety net by covering the costs associated with cyber incidents, such as data recovery, legal fees, and customer notification expenses.

It’s important to have a comprehensive security strategy in place. Including a comprehensive security service, well-defined Incident Response Plan and regular cyber security initiatives.

You should look for signs such as:
  • Unusual activities like messages you didn’t send, or account changes you didn’t make.
  • New programs or files on your computer that you don’t recognize.
  • Slow performance on your devices or frequent crashes.
  • Unexpected pop-ups or unfamiliar screensavers.
  • Your friends receiving social media invitations from you that you didn’t send.
  • Unexplained online activity, such as password changes or transactions you didn’t initiate.

  1. Expertise and Experience: Our team brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record in delivering effective IT solutions.
  2. Customized Strategies: We understand that each organization is unique. That’s why we tailor our IT strategies to fit your specific needs and objectives.
  3. Cutting-Edge Solutions: We stay at the forefront of technology, ensuring you benefit from the latest advancements.
  4. Comprehensive Support: From initial assessment to strategy implementation and continuous monitoring, we provide end-to-end support to ensure your IT infrastructure is robust, secure, and efficient.
  5. Commitment to Your Success: Your growth is our goal. We strive to meet and exceed your expectations, ensuring that your IT infrastructure catalyzes success.